The excellent service I have received is a credit to everyone concerned. It is the best I have come across. Denzil D
The contact lens assessment involves:
This is the measures the front of the eye (cornea).
The slit lamp is an illuminated microscope used mainly to examine the outer surface of your eyes, eyelids, lashes and surrounding areas Your Optician can then look at the condition of the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, the iris and the lens. This checks the condition of the outer surface of the eye and can be used to look for abnormalities or scratches.
The slit lamp examination is particularly important for contact lens wearers, as the lens sits directly on the surface of the eye. It is used to check the fit of contact lenses, and allows us to monitor any changes in your eyes due to contact lens wear. Your Optician may recommend glasses as a more comfortable option in the presence of anomalies that cause discomfort when wearing contact lenses.
Discussion to find the most suitable contact lens for you: We'll discuss your preferences, the types of situations in which you'll wear your contact lenses, how often you'll want to wear them and for how long. We'll give you advice on the benefits of each of the different options.
You'll also learn how to wear and look after your contact lenses, ensuring you're confident taking care of them.
Regular check-ups are a vital part of your ongoing care to ensure you're happy and comfortable wearing your contact lenses.
Please note this is different to your spectacles prescription.